Chard Black and Blue Smoothie Recipe

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Chard Black and Blue Smoothie Recipe

I love juice but I wanted to share some fabulous detox smoothierecipes for those of you who are looking for detox recipes anddon’t juice.



Thisis one of my favorite detox smoothies because it is utterly loadedwith antioxidants, looks gorgeous, and tastes like a treat! Oh, thewonders of berries and banana. The quantities comes togetherbeautifully in this smoothie to create a vibrant rich purple colorand sweet flavor.

Often,berries and leafy greens result in a dark, muddy-looking smoothiethat is not appealing. I don’t want to drink anything that looks likewhere the place the plants came to die! This one is perfect to serveto kids or greenophobes. You would never know there is chard in thisblend. I love using chard in smoothies because it is just loaded with goodness.

Swisschard helps cleanse the body and regenerate cells, blood and therespiratory system. Recent research has shown that chard leavescontain at least 13 different polyphenol antioxidants, includingkaempferol, the cardio-protective flavonoid that’s also found inbroccoli, kale, strawberries, and other foods.

Syringicacid, one component of chard has received special attention in recentresearch due to its blood sugar regulating properties. When thisenzyme gets inhibited, fewer carbs are broken down into simple sugarsand blood sugar is able to stay more stable. Like beets, chard is aunique source of phytonutrients called betalains. In the betalainfamily are found reddish-purple betacyanin pigments as well asyellowish betaxanthin pigments. Both types can be found in chard!Many of the betalain pigments in chard have been shown to provideantioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.

Blueberriesand blackberries are also loaded with antioxidant and detoxificationsupport. They are relatively low-sugar fruits full of vitamins andminerals. I like to add acai powder to this blend to reallysupercharge the antioxidant properties. But, you can leave it out ifyou don’t have it.


But,I encourage you to include acai in your diet. Acai is great for anenergy boost and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids,and contains Omega 3, 6, and 9. It is mild in flavor and has a richcreaminess that pairs well with other berries and banana. I alwayskeep sachets of acai pulp and a packet of acai powder in my freezerand fridge to take smoothies to the next level.

With or without the acai, this smoothie is delicious, and a great way toget a healthy dose of chard.



ChardBlack and Blue Smoothie

  • 2 cups water (depending on your preference)
  • 2 cups chard (2 large leaves)
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 ripe banana (not too ripe)
  • ½ teaspoon minced fresh ginger, plus more to taste
  • pinch lemon zest, plus more to taste
  • 1 teaspoon acai powder (optional)
  • 1 cup or more of ice (if using fresh fruit)

Throwall of your ingredients into your Vitamix and blast on high for about30 to 60 seconds until smooth and creamy.



Tip:thebest way to store lemons

Lemonscontinue to respire and ripen after they have been harvested. Thefaster they respire the more carbon dioxide they produce, and thequicker they spoil. Store your lemons in the fridge to slow this downand they should keep for up to about ten days. Make sure you do notstore them in plastic bags where they are on top of each other. Whenthere is limited oxygen, the ethylene gas gets trapped, causing themto rot. Always bring them to room temperature to get the most juiceout of them.


Tess Masters, AKA the Blender Girl isan Australian actor, blogger, and blendaholic. She shares easy,healthy gluten free, vegan, and raw recipes that are all made in aVitamix or another blender. Get more recipes on her website or in hercookbook THE BLENDER GIRL. Visit or connect via Facebook.


This article appears in ISSUE 19 of Healthy Juicing Magazine

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