Juicing Watermelon with Dr. Bizal

June 5, 2014

Juicing Watermelon with Dr. Bizal Greetings and welcome to eating healthy with Dr. Bizal, that’s me, and our goal in this series is to help make you as healthy as possible as simply and as easy as possible as well. So today we’re going to start with one of the very basics, and that’s watermelon […]

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4 Easy Tips to Have 25% More Energy and Get Healthier Now!

May 16, 2014

4 Easy Tips to Have 25% More Energy and Get Healthier Now!   Yes, you can increase your energy levels by at least 25% and reach a higher level of health with very simple diet and lifestyle changes. I’m going to outline some of my best tips that anybody can apply to see dramatic results […]

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Benefits of Juicing Broccoli with Joe Cross

May 5, 2014

Benefits of Juicing Broccoli with Joe Cross   Hey! If you are anything like me, sometimes in the afternoon you’re going to run out of energy. Instead of reaching for that snack—that cookie, that processed something or other—how about reaching for a juice? How about an “oh, sweet broccoli” juice? Joe Cross here from the […]

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Why Eat Local Organic?

April 10, 2014

Why Eat Local Organic? I know you. You’re comfortable, used to a routine life and, if you’re like most human beings, you’re reluctant to change. Changing old habits can be very difficult. Many years ago, locally-grown organic food was the food that was available to consumers, it was simply the way it was before globalism, […]

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7 Things to Do with Beet Greens

April 8, 2014

7 Things to Do with Beet Greens   7 Things to Do with Beet Greens   Beet greens are the leaves and stalks attached to beetroots. Have you ever eaten them? In case you haven’t, they’re edible, delicious and nutritious! Because beetroots are mostly sold in the supermarket without their leaves attached, many don’t know […]

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How to Drink the Rainbow to Get the Nutrients You Need

March 28, 2014

How to Drink the Rainbow to Get the Nutrients You Need “Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food” – Hippocrates Hippocrates claimed:  that what you eat becomes your body and what you drink becomes your blood; that your food is your medicine.   The best way to make sure you’re […]

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8 easy to grow healthy houseplants – Tiffany Washko

March 12, 2014

8 easy to grow healthy houseplants – Tiffany Washko There is a great deal of information out there on becoming a beginning gardener or even a small scale farmer. Many green living enthusiasts want nothing more than to get back to the land…reconnecting with nature, becoming more self sufficient, and of course taking their food […]

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Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding

March 2, 2014

Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding Today, I am going to teach you how to make a delicious, chocolate pudding that will not only appease your chocolate cravings but is extremely healthy. How fabulous is that? Okay, we’re going to get straight into it. It’s really simple. Firstly, grab one avocado or two to three small ones. […]

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Raw Enzyme Salad with Turnip

February 24, 2014

Raw Enzyme Salad with Turnip Raw foods contain enzymes that aid in their digestion and bring life to the body. The fiber helps to scrub our systems and feel good inside and out. Here’s one of my favorite raw salads, which actually acts more like a slaw. It’s simple, easy to make and taste delicious! […]

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February 24, 2014

Nutrition for Athletes: Raw Food Power Smoothie If you run, hike, swim, snowboard, cycle, attend crossfit, or actively engage in any other sports, then you’re probably aware that your body requires extra nutritional supplementation in order to function properly. Simply put, athletes need more nutrients than less-active people. They demand more from their bodies and […]

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The Best Fall Vegetable and Fruit Combinations for Juicing

February 4, 2014

The Best Fall Vegetable and Fruit Combinations for Juicing Time to start using up our favorite seasonal ingredients in our juices (hooray!)   We’re saying goodbye to the freshest berries, mangos, melons, and greens like spinach as summer fades, but fall ushers the prime season for some of our other favorite ingredients. Some of the […]

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Oats debaffled by Yasmin Trollope

January 30, 2014

Oats, debaffled! Quick oats, packet oats, steel cut oats, rolled oats… what do they all mean? When you remove all the hidden info squirreled away behind the fancy packaging, essentially these names are telling you how heavily processed your oats have been. True story! Steel Cut Oats: Oats in their most unprocessed form are called Steel Cut […]

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Creamy Mushroom Soup with Avocado + Miso

December 16, 2013

Creamy Mushroom Soup with Avocado + Miso I love raw soups. They are basically savory smoothies that you top up with herbs and veggies and eat with a spoon. Okay, maybe that isn’t the most appealing way to describe them, but my point is: they are full of only the healthiest whole foods your body […]

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Produce Juicing Guide – Joe Cross

November 19, 2013

Here is an informative video from Joe Cross of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Fame I am going to be talking to you about taking the next step, so you bought your juicer, but what on earth do you put through it. Today, I am going to be demystifying the juicer, give you a guide […]

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How to Get Ready for a Healthy Winter

November 19, 2013

How to Get Ready for a Healthy Winter Unless you happen to live in an area with a year-long temperate climate, then chances are you won’t have access to fresh, local fruits and veggies during the winter. Sure, there are always potatoes, cabbage, and beets to fall back on – but they can get boring […]

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Healthy Strawberry Milkshake (Vegan)

November 19, 2013

Healthy Strawberry Milkshake (Vegan)   This strawberry milkshake has become one of my favourite summer treats. It has been the solution to my family’s milkshake cravings all weekend, without the stomach ache that typically accompanies the traditional versions. Featuring just a handful of all-natural ingredients, this milkshake is sweetened with only fibre-rich strawberries and dates. […]

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The Color Purple Fruit Smoothie Recipe – Elena Wilkins

November 19, 2013

The Color Purple Fruit Smoothie Recipe – Elena Wilkins 7 de Setembro de 2013 às 17:00 The Color Purple Fruit Smoothie Recipe – Elena Wilkins   Ingredients:     1-1.5 cup plant milk (we used soy, but you can use almond, rice, or even coconut or filtered water)     1/2 cup cooked sweet potatoes     8 […]

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Health Benefits of Avocados

October 8, 2013

Health Benefits of Avocados Health Benefits of Avocados Recently, the avocado has been getting a lot of attention. Packed with healthy fats and numerous other healthy components, it’s no surprise that this creamy fruit is finally getting the attention it deserves! Vitamin E  One of the hardest nutrients to obtain and one of the most […]

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Juicing For Eczema Symptoms

August 19, 2013

Juicing for eczema is a natural way to reduce your eczema symptoms   As an eczema sufferer you are probably only too aware how difficult it is to pin point the cause of this irritating skin condition. Some practitioners believe that toxins in the blood cause eczema. It’s thought that the appearance of eczema is a sign that your […]

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Juice Fasting for Beginners – Jonathan Bechtel

August 19, 2013

Juice Fasting for Beginners – Jonathan Bechtel “Jonathan Bechtel is a contributor at LivingGreenMag, an online publication that informs and educates readers on a range of environmental and lifestyle issues, and highlights various non-profit causes. Visit  www.LivingGreenMag.com. Juice fasts are becoming more popular as a way to cleanse the body and reset physiological processes that have […]

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Tips on Coming off a Juice Fast

June 24, 2013

Tips on Coming off a Juice Fast Juice fasting is one of the effective ways to cleanse the body of harmful radicals and lose weight at the same time. Many go on a juice fast for a certain period of time by simply taking fluids to supply the body the necessary nutrients it needs without […]

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Health Benefits of Tomatoes and Why?

June 20, 2013

Health Benefits of Tomatoes and Why?   It is a common misconception that tomatoes belong to the family of vegetables. The truth is they are actually fruits and not just any fruit. They are actually regarded as a super fruit. Tomatoes are one of those fruits that can be eaten raw or cooked. They are […]

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Issue #7 Now on Newsstands!

June 3, 2013

A very warm welcome to Issue 7 of our Healthy Juicing Magazine. We have an issue jam packed with information and of course lots of recipes for you to try. Just an update on my experiences with the Jason Vale Big Juice Spring Clean, I have managed to keep about 7 pounds off, which is […]

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The Latest! Issue #6

May 10, 2013

A very warm welcome to Issue 6 of our Healthy Juicing Magazine. We have an issue jam packed with information and of course lots of recipes for you to try. We asked last month for your Juicing Experiences, but everyone is obviously shy as we only got a couple, which we will publish in the […]

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How to Juice Fast by Juice Master Jason Vale

May 4, 2013

How to Juice Fast by Juice Master Jason Vale  Watch the Video When it comes to juicing, there’s one thing that’s more important than anything else, speed. You need to be able to do it fast. In fact, I get some calls sometimes saying I would juice, but it takes me 45 minutes to take […]

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The Health Benefits of Ginger

February 21, 2013

An Article from our December Issue: There’s a reason ginger has been used by traditional cultures around the globe for thousands of years as a medical treatment; its natural healing properties are extensive. Traditional cooking methods from many cultures also incorporate ginger for this same reason, though the spicy flavor of this versatile herb can’t […]

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